Research Permit Process

Any person conducting research using the cultural resource archives maintained by the Cultural Resources Protection Program for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) not specifically requested or contracted by the CTUIR or permitted pursuant to a valid CTUIR-issued research permit shall be subject to any and all civil and criminal remedies available pursuant to the CTUIR Historic Preservation Code, including but not limited to exclusion from tribal property, criminal trespass, and civil penalties.

 To obtain a research permit:

1. Applicant must read and understand the CTUIR’s Research Permit Regulations and its contents.

2. Applicant must submit a completed research application to the CTUIR Communications Director at least 90 days prior to proposed study, survey or research project start date:

Kaeleen McGuire, Communications Director

Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation

46411 Timíne Way

Pendleton, Oregon 97801


3. The CTUIR Communications Director has the final approval/disapproval authority for the request. A $75.00 permit fee will be paid upon final approval of the request.

4. Only written permits issued by the CTUIR and including the Communications Director signature are valid.

Applicant Info

Project Information