Renewable Energy

Solar Panels for the Ti'mine Way Apartments

CTUIR received funding awards from The Pacific Power Blue Sky Program and The Energy Trust of Oregon to install solar panels for the Apartment Housing Development.  CTUIR constructed the solar panels, owns them, and will operate them.  It is a photovoltaics system comprised on 366 solar panels and will produce electricity for each of the residential units. They are a ground-mounted 93 kW  (DC) solar array with an estimated annual production of 230,289.3 kWh.  The project was started July 2022 and completed May of 2023.  

The objectives for this particular solar array project are to improve energy affordability, to reduce carbon emissions, promote equitable access, educate community members on energy efficiency, and to enhance tribal sovereignty.  In addition, the project is in alignment with the goals and objectives of: Confederated Tribes’ Strategic Energy Plan, Climate Adaptation Plan, and the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Energy Vision.


Pacific Power installed monitoring equipment on the building data, such as k.w.h. energy is produced and used today, and the production of energy the panels create over the lifetime.  Data is available on the Solren View's website at the following link: SolrenView