CTUIR Housing Department is committed to the safety of our community members, residents, and employees, and to lessen the spread of the COVID-19 virus, our office is open during normal business hours, MONDAY –FRIDAY 7:30am to 4:00pm.
Please note hours of operation are subject to change at the discretion of the Tribe. During those times we will be checking our emails and voicemails periodically.
Monthly rental payment can be made:
- By phone with card payment, 541-429-7920
- Drop box, located in front of office or drive-up box located on the south side of building next to road.
- Mailed to 51 Umatilla Loop, Pendleton, OR 97801
For other matter please call the office, 541-429-7920, to speak with your Resident Coordinator
CTUIR Housing Maintenance will still be responding to work orders, be advised they will be focusing on emergency work orders that affect the health and safety. To submit a work order call office at 541-429-7920.