IOB Application


This application is for certification of a majority or wholly-owned Native American business interested in providing their services and/or products via contracting opportunities under the purview of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation TERO Program and other applicable federal and tribal laws.

Certification of Native American-owned businesses is designed to:

  1. Verify that the applicant is Native American;
  2. That the applicant is majority owner, if not 100%, of the business, and;
  3. That the applicant is the primary beneficiary of the business being certified. Documentation and information required is essential to fulfill the criteria. Any deliberate or intentional effort to misrepresent the ownership of the business applying for certification will result in exclusion of contract opportunities by
    the TERO Program.

Submit the certification application attached and required documentation to:

Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Tribal Employment Rights Office
46411 Timine Way,
Pendleton, OR 97801.

For any questions, please contact us at:
Phone – (541) 429-7506
Fax – (541) 429-7190
Email –