To schedule an inspection, please call our office at 541-276-3099 at least 24-hours in advance!
We can help make sure your projects have the proper permits and meet the CTUIR Land Development Code and other adopted building codes. We will also steward your project through permits that may be required by other programs such as Water, Cultural Resources, Public Works, or Environmental Health & Safety.
Permitting & Land Actions We Provide
- Development permits
- Property divisions (lot line adjustments, partitions, subdivisions)
- Land Development Code Administration (land use regulations)
- Plans review
- Zoning information
- Coordination with CTUIR Realty for allotted trust land information
- Establishment of new access/road/utility easements (rights-of-way)
- Demolition permits
- Forest Practices permits
- Sanitation Development Permit (with or without IHS Funding)
Inspection Services
Once permits have been issued, we also provide building inspections inspection for projects that are ongoing, such as:
- Building Inspections
- Electrical Inspections
- Plumbing Inspections
- Mechanical Inspections
- Septic and Sewer Inspections
Process for Applying for a Development Permit
A Development Permit is required for almost all new construction, along with remodeling, alteration, and some repair of structures on the Umatilla Indian Reservation. The Development Permit can cover planning review, as well as all site, structural, mechanical, plumbing, and electrical work necessary to complete your project.
1. Plan Your Project
Please reach out to the Tribal Planning Office if you have questions about a project you want to complete. We can help you determine information such as a property's zoning classification, the necessary permits for your project, or begin the process for any land actions which may be necessary.
2. Completed Development Permit Application
In addition to an application, the Tribal Planning Office also needs a detailed site plan of the property you will be working on, along with two (2) sets of plans showing the work you want to complete.
You can submit your application the Tribal Planning Office by e-mailing your application, site plan, and plans to, by returning them to our office in person, or by mailing them to us at:
CTUIR - Tribal Planning Office
Pendleton, OR 97801
Some projects - new construction in particular - often require other permits in addition to a Development Permit. Information on septic and sanitation systems is available from our Environmental Health & Safety Officer, and Well permits are available from our Water Resources Department.
3. Plan Review
Once you submit your application, the Tribal Planning Office will review your application for compliance with our Land Development Code, Historic Preservation Code, and other Adopted Building Codes.
4. Pay Development Permit Fees & Permit Issuance
The Tribal Planning Office will notify you once our reviews are complete your permit is ready to issue. We will issue your permit to you once all fees have been paid. Permit fees will be dependent upon the work you are completing.
5. Inspections
You will need to schedule inspections at certain milestones throughout your project. Your specific project will determine which inspections are required. If you have questions about required inspections, please contact the Tribal Planning Office. To schedule inspections, please contact the Tribal Planning Office at 541-276-3099 at least 24 hours in advance.