To promote and defend the legal rights and interests of the CTUIR by providing legal services to all divisions of the tribal government and tribal government entities.
The Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) provides centralized legal services to all divisions of the tribal government and its entities to assist in carrying out the CTUIR's sovereign responsibilities consistently with the Treaty of 1855, the Constitution and Bylaws, and all other applicable laws. A primary function of OLC is to protect and facilitate the exercise of the rights secured in the Treaty between the Walla Walla, Cayuse and Umatilla Tribes and Bands of Indians in Washington and Oregon Territories, June 9, 1855, 12 Stat. 945, ratified March 8, 1859.
CTUIR Member Services
OLC also administers contracts that provide independent and confidential attorney services to members of the CTUIR as follows:
Legal Aid Services. OLC administers a contract with Legal Aid Services of Oregon (LASO) to promote and defend the legal rights and interests of individual tribal members involved in civil legal disputes. These services will be provided to CTUIR members whose income is between 125% and 250% of federal poverty guidelines and will prioritize resources to target the following services: obtaining and maintaining social security benefits, veterans' benefits, welfare benefits, Medicare benefits, and unemployment benefits. Legal services will also include a variety of domestic violence and family law matters, as well as representing CTUIR members in disputes with (but not limited to) landlords, retailers, lenders, and employers.
Wills and Estates. OLC also manages a contract with a third-party attorney to provide Will and Estate Planning legal services directly to CTUIR members.