Public Works

Infrastructure and utility services

Water and Sewer     

This program is responsible for the development, operation and maintenance of water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer systems.  These systems serve the developed areas of the Mission Community.

Facilities Management     

This operation maintains the Tribes' buildings and property assets to reduce the risk of potential injury to their occupants  and protect the Tribes' investment in a cost-effective manner.  This includes determining space utilization needs and maintenance, repair and replacement of facilities and landscaping.

Transportation / Roads     

This program is responsible for maintaining and updating the Indian Reservation Roads (IRR) inventory, which is submitted to the BIA in order to receive funding for Tribal and BIA roads.  The IRR inventory is comprised of Tribal, BIA, County, State, and Forest Service owned roads that are within the boundary of the reservation or roads that provide access to and from the reservation.  The roads program is responsible for the maintenance such as snow removal, deicing, sanding, grading gravel roads, repairing/replacing culverts, and improving surface conditions on the Tribal and BIA owned roadways across the reservation that are included in the IRR inventory.

The roads department along with the help of the GIS department has put together an interactive web map that shows the ownership of roads across the reservation with contact information for which agency to call if there is an issue or concern in regards to a road.   Click the link below to access the road ownership web map:

Road Ownership Web App



In 2021, CTUIR was awarded a grant from the State of Oregon to conduct the research, community engagement, and plan writing to develop the next 20 year plan for CTUIR’s Transportation System Plan.

The plan is completed and can be viewed here:

CTUIR - Transportation System Plan Update 2022