First Foods 2nd Wed: Pollinators, Roots, and Berries (Part 2) - April 26th 1:30 - 3:30 PM In Person 4:30 PM Virtual


April 26 at 1:30 PM - April 26 at 3:00 PM

First Foods 2nd Wed: Pollinators, Roots, and Berries (Part 2) - April 26th 1:30 - 3 PM (In Person and Virtual)

Posted in: Natural Resources - Community Event

Welcome to the First Foods Policy Program (FFPP)’s 2nd Wednesday outreach series!



Part Two: April 26th  ~ ** Extended: 1:30 – 3:30 PM PST for In Person 4:30 PM for Virtual **

Part One: April 12th ~ 9 – 11 AM PST (find that meeting here: CTUIR - First Foods 2nd Wed Pollinators, Roots, and Berries April 12th)


In Person: Nixyaawii Governance Center (NGC) Rotunda and Cayuse | Umatilla Conference Room

Virtual: Click here to join the WED APRIL 26th meeting on Wed April 26th at 1:30 PM

Or call in (audio only)

(321) 754-9526 (toll free) 

Phone Conference Passcode: 623 561 651# 


We are excited to bring the newly completed CTUIR Climate Adaptation Plan (CAP) back to you, and to share how this document will be implemented with Tribal program and departments, and for the CTUIR community! We are also excited to welcome our CTUIR Dept of Natural Resources (DNR) Range, Agriculture, and Forestry (RAF) Program for our “Pollinators, Roots, and Berries” Policy in Action highlight for April 2023! This Policy in Action workshop is split into Part 1 (on WED April 12th) and Part 2 (on WED April 26th) and will focus on the First Foods Monitoring projects that RAF is currently conducting.

  • Part 1 – April 12th 9-11 AM: Review of CTUIR Climate Adaptation Plan (CAP) Ch 3B: First Foods Availability and Access Review, and RAF Women’s Foods Monitoring Project 
  • Part 2 – April 26th 1:30 - 3 PM: First Foods Pollinators study and Plant First Foods Ecological Monitoring (see below)

April 26th Pollinators, Roots, and Berries (Part 2) Event Agenda: EXTENDED!

  • 1:30 PM – Welcome In Person and Virtual Attendees, Housekeeping and Introductions (5 min)
  • 1:40 PM – CTUIR Range, Agriculture, and Forestry (RAF) Program Pollinator Studies + Discussion (30 min)
  • 2:15 PM – Hands-on Activity: First Foods and Pollinator monitoring + discussion (20 minutes) OUTSIDE (In Person should dress for weather)
  • 2:40 PM – CTUIR RAF Plant First Foods Monitoring Project and Discussion (30 min)
  • 3:10 – Wallowa Gathering with Wenix Red Elk (20 min)
  • 3:30 PM – In Person activities conclude
  • 4 PM Re-broadcast of hands on activities for virtual participants (we’ll also continue to broadcast in the conference room for in person to view activities if you missed the hands on session)
  • 4:30 PM – Virtual event concludes

For those who can’t make it, the virtual event component will be recorded and made available, and archived on the CTUIR Climate Adaptation Youtube channel: CTUIR Climate Adaptation - YouTube

a flyer for an in person and virtual event on April 26 to learn about First Foods monitoring and pollinators

Event Location

Location: Nixyaawii Governance Center and Virtually via Teams

Event Host

Hosted by: First Foods Policy Program (FFPP)

Phone: (541) 429 - 7247
