LPPC Public Hearing: ZC-25-002


April 8 at 9:00 AM - April 8 at 11:00 AM

Land Protection Planning Commission (LPPC) Public Hearing: ZC-25-002

Posted in: Tribal Planning Office - Public Notice Meeting

This is a regularly-scheduled meeting of the Land Protection Planning Commission. One public hearing is scheduled for this meeting:

  • Land Development Code Amendment #ZC-25-001Applicants, Tribal Planning Office, 46411 Timine Way, Pendleton, OR 97801 seek a recommendation from the Land Protection Planning Commission to the CTUIR Board of Trustees to amend the Land Development Code to incorporate changes as required by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and the Endangered Species Act.  Land Development Code Amendments are subject to the CTUIR Land Development Code Chapters 9 and 13. 

The meeting will take place in the Waluula and Wanaqit conference rooms at the Nixyáawii Governance Center.  Additionally, you can also join us by Microsoft Teams: here (meeting ID: 294 874 853 490; passcode: 46RH33yr) or you can call into the meeting at 1-872-242-7793.  The phone conference ID is 637 753 409#.


All hearing materials will be available on this page on end of day Friday, March 28, 2025.

Event Location

Location: Waluula and Wanaqit Conference Rooms, Nixyáawii Governance Center

Address: 46411 Timíne Way, Pendleton, OR 97801

Details: Additionally, you can also join us by Microsoft Teams by copy and pasting this URL into your browser window: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZWE2NTMxYTUtZjliNy00MGJhLTkyZDEtMTgyYmYxYjAzMGZh%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%220967e113-f1c2-45b2-bbfe-559061d1171e%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22a5381606-ab42-4e2b-8351-5ac1cdf47a27%22%7d The Meeting ID is 294 874 853 490 | The Passcode is: 46RH33yr You can call into the meeting at 1-872-242-7793.  The conference ID is 637 753 409#.

Event Host

Hosted by: Land Protection Planning Commission (LPPC) Meeting

Phone: 541-276-3099

Email: tpo@ctuir.org