May 2023 2nd Wed: Built Systems (WED May 10th 2-4 PM)


May 10 at 2:00 PM - May 10 at 4:00 PM

May 2023 2nd Wed: Built Systems (WED May 10th 2-4 PM)

Posted in: Natural Resources - Community Event

Welcome to the First Foods Policy Program (FFPP)’s 2nd Wednesday outreach series!



Wed May 10th ~ 2 – 4 PM PST


In Person: Nixyaawii Governance Center (NGC) Walla Walla | Nciwana Conference Room

Virtual: Click here to join the meeting on Wed May 10th at 2 PM

Or call in toll free (audio only)

(321) 754-9526

Phone Conference ID: 663 251 966#


We are excited to bring the newly completed CTUIR Climate Adaptation Plan (CAP) back to you, and to share how this document will be implemented with Tribal program and departments, and for the CTUIR community!

This month we are going to take it a bit easy and rest up from our engaging events the last couple months, and those we have planned for the summer. We will be reviewing the Climate Adaptation Plan Ch 3C: Infrastructure and Built Systems, and opening the floor to the community to share about experiences associated with the February 2020 flood event. We will be sharing both In Person at the NGC Walla Walla | Nciwana Conference Room, or virtually at the link provided.


For those who can’t make it, the virtual event component will be recorded and made available, and archived on the CTUIR Climate Adaptation Youtube channel: CTUIR Climate Adaptation - YouTube


May 10th Infrastructure & Built Systems event agenda:

  • 2 PM – Welcome In Person and Virtual Attendees, Housekeeping and Introductions (5 min)
  • 2:10 PM –  Review of the CTUIR Climate Adaptation Plan Ch 3C: Infrastructure & Built Systems (50 min)
  • 3 PM - Open Forum*: Share your Feb 2020 Flood Experience and Lessons Learned (50 min)
    *If no one wants to share, we will be screening a video related to built systems (selections include a video on either cordwood construction or biogas mini generators)
  • 4 PM – Both In Person and Virtual Event concludes
Flyer for May 10th event from 2 - 4 PM in person at the NGC or online

Event Location

Location: Nixyaawii Governance Center + Virtual

Event Host

Hosted by: First Foods Policy Program, Dept of Natural Resources

Phone: 5414297247
