Our Mission
"In the best interests of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, the Board of Trustees shall exert the Tribes' sovereign authority to protect the rights reserved by the Treaty of 1855 and to promote the interests of the members and residents of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. The Board of Trustees shall exercise the authority of the Confederated Tribes so as to promote, enhance, and achieve the maximum degree of self-government, self-sufficiency, and self-determination in all Tribal affairs. Doing so objectively and ably is the abiding mission of the Board of Trustees of the Umatilla Indian Reservation."
Our Government
As a sovereign government, Tribal affairs are governed by an elected body called the “Board of Trustees.” Members of the Board are elected by the “General Council,” which consists of all Tribal members age 18 and older.
The day-to-day work of the tribal government is carried out by a staff of roughly 520 employees and includes departments such as administration, health and human services, natural resources, economic and community development, tribal services, education, fire protection, and police. An additional 800 employees are employed at the Wildhorse Resort & Casino and another 300 at Cayuse Technologies. The CTUIR is one of the largest employers in northeastern Oregon.