Comment Card

CTUIR Comment Card Process and Time Lines

Citizens wishing to comment on the service of the CTUIR government are encouraged to do so using the CTUIR Comment Card form found below.

• Comments will be reviewed by the Office of the Executive Director within 2 business days of receiving them, and then promptly assigned to the appropriate Department.
• A letter, email or phone call will be issued to the person submitting the form acknowledging receipt of their Comment Card.
• For general comments the assigned Department Director will have up to fourteen (14) calendar days to complete the inquiry and submit a written summary to the Office of the Executive Director.
• If the Comment Card potentially involves a safety issue, the Department Director will have up to three (3) calendar days to complete the inquiry and submit a written summary to the Office of the Executive Director.
• After reviewing the report, the Office of the Executive Director will determine if the issue warrants further work or a more formal investigation (which timeframes may vary depending on the issue).
• When an issue is completed, the Office of the Executive Director will contact the citizen who submitted the Comment Card to relay appropriate information about the issue including whether it was resolved.
• If a simple explanation of the facts satisfies or resolves the citizen’s issue, inquiries or investigations will not be necessary. However, the Office of the Executive Director will be responsible for contacting the citizen who submitted the Comment Card for closure.

Your comment

NOTE: if submitted anonymously, we are not able to contact you or follow-up with you. Persons submitting a name and signature shall not be subject to retaliation as a result of the information provided on this form.

If you provided a valid email address you will receive a copy of the submitted form.