2021-2022 Fall/Winter Umatilla River Salmon & Steelhead Fisheries Regulations

Posted by Chelsey Dickon 8/26/2021 9:40:00 AM

2021-2022 FALL/WINTER


Pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Fish and Wildlife Code of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, the Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC) has the authority to establish emergency regulations for Umatilla ceremonial, subsistence, and commercial fisheries.  Pursuant to that authority, the Fish and Wildlife Commission has adopted the following regulations:


SPECIES:                      Coho and Fall Chinook.

Fishing Locations:      The entire Umatilla River and tributaries is open.

Dates:                          September 1, 2021 through November 30, 2021.

SPECIES:                      Steelhead.

Fishing Locations:      The entire Umatilla River and tributaries is open.*

Dates:                          September 1, 2021 through April 15, 2022.

*Closed April 1, 2021, to protect steelhead spawners, for locations on the mainstem above Cayuse Bridge (Mann Rd.) and for above the tributary confluence of Birch Creek.

Species Comprehensive Regulations:

  • Safety: Take or attempt to take fish from beyond 25 feet above or below fishways (e.g. adult fish ladders at Three Mile Dam, Cold Springs Dam, Stanfield Dam, and Westland Dam, etc.).
  • Fishing for ESA-listed bull trout is closed.
  • No Allowable Sales: It shall be UNLAWFUL to sell Coho, fall Chinook and steelhead.
  • Fishing Gear: Hook and line, dipnets, and hoop nets only (no gillnets allowed). Dipnets are limited to a maximum hoop circumference of 12 feet and a maximum mesh of 4 inches.  Hoop nets are limited to a maximum hoop circumference of 16 feet and a maximum mesh of 4 inches.  If hoop or set nets are secured by attachment ropes, they shall not create safety issues by channel blockage or interfere with boat navigation.
  • Fishing Methods: Tribal fishers shall be allowed to build scaffolds on the Umatilla River below Three Mile Dam. The CTUIR considers fishing locations as Tribal, and specific sites shall not be registered by individual tribal members.  Fishers shall be required to provide opportunity for others to fish by trading off fishing each time a fish is caught and kept if there are other fishers waiting to fish the same site.

Suggestive COVID-19 Preventative Measures:

The CTUIR Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC) encourages’ you to practice your treaty rights by following the COVID-19 “Stay safe, Stay Healthy” preventative measures:

  1. Get Covid-19 Vaccinated, unless otherwise directed by your doctor;
  2. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds;
  3. Wear face coverings and cover coughs and sneezes;
  4. Maintain social distancing of 6 feet whenever possible;
  5. Stay home if you are sick;
  6. Keep groups comprised of no more than twelve (12) direct family members, from no more than four (4) households;
  7. Clean your tools, equipment and/or gear with sanitizer, particularly if/when you have to share.

Additional information:

There’s been a CTUIR COVID-19 Resource website established @ https://www.ctuircovid.info/ and CRITFC has a website for tribal fisher to reference @ https://www.critfc.org/safe-fishers-safe-fisheries and https://www.critfc.org/blog/fishery/covid-safe-harvest-sales-workshop.


Tribal harvest monitors will be out monitoring catch and obtaining other biological data.  The Fish and Wildlife Commission requests that tribal fishers cooperate with call-in catch reporting and in the field with tribal harvest monitors regarding catch information tagged fish, etc.  This information will help provide a database which fishery managers can utilize for the enhancement of the ceded area populations.  Also, the harvest monitor has the permission of the Fish and Wildlife Commission to notify tribal fishers when a specific quota has been met.  In this case, fishing in that stream would be closed immediately and a public notice would be posted the next work day.  Fishers are entitled to river access throughout the open river corridors but should first inquire with local landowners if private driveway or field access is desired.  Developing relationships with landowners may provide for future access opportunities. Your cooperation is appreciated.  Stay Safe!


  • (541) 429-7382 Jeremy Wolf, Chairman, Fish and Wildlife Commission
  • (541) 429-7285 Gary James, Fisheries Program Manager
  • (541) 429-7277 Preston Bronson, Fish Harvest Biologist


The attached 2021 Fall/Winter Umatilla River Salmon & Steelhead Fisheries Regulations were approved by Fish & Wildlife Commission on August 26, 2021.