April 27, 2021 CTUIR Tributary Regulations for Spring/Summer Chinook Fisheries

Posted by Chelsey Dickon 4/28/2021 3:00:00 PM

CTUIR Emergency Tributary Regulations for
Spring/Summer Chinook Fisheries

Pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Fish and Wildlife Code of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, the FWC has the authority to establish regulations for Umatilla ceremonial, subsistence, and commercial fisheries. Pursuant to that authority, the FWC adopted the following regulations:

ERS Expected Run Size, which includes both hatchery and natural origin adult projections;
TBD = To Be Determined:
NA = Not Applicable.


Fishing for ESA-listed bull trout & Pacific Lamprey shall be closed on all listed streams at this time. Fishing for rainbow, mountain whitefish and all other resident fish year around is permitted under permanent regulation.

In season run information:
The harvest allocation is based on pre-season forecasts and the FWC may adjust the harvest target as additional in-season information becomes available to meet management objectives. Investigation of additional harvest opportunities in NE OR/SE WA will continue throughout the season.

Currently, tributary returns are expected to be similar 2020, which was below the 10 year average. This places an increased emphasis on broodstock and escapement needs for our future runs.


Season and Locations: Yakima River from Prosser Dam downstream to west and south shores of Bateman Island. Fishing is allowed from noon Tuesdays through 6 pm Saturdays weekly through June 26, 2021. The expected run size for the Yakima River is 3,170 for 2021. The five year average is 3,744.

Specific Restrictions: It shall be unlawful to place fishing platforms, or to take, molest, injure, or fish for salmon and steelhead within 25 feet of any fish ladder, fishway, or fish bypass pipes associated with irrigation canal fish screening structures.

Non-Indian Trout Fishing Closure on Umatilla Indian Reservation:
Non-Indian trout fishing in the Umatilla River and tributaries on the Umatilla Indian Reservation - except McKay Creek system - is CLOSED through September 15, 2021 to provide increased protection to spring Chinook.

For Safety Concerns: It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take fish from within 25 feet above or below fishways (e.g. adult fish ladders at Threemile Dam, Cold Springs Dam, and Westland Dam, etc.). There shall be no trespassing/walking on/fishing from dam and/or hatchery facilities such as fish ladder, fish weir, etc.

(541) 429- 7382         Jeremy Wolf, Chairman, Fish and Wildlife Commission;
(541) 429- 7285        Gary James, Fisheries Program Manager or;
(541) 429- 7277        Preston Bronson, Harvest Manager.


The attached April 27, 2021 CTUIR Tributary Regulations for Spring/Summer Chinook Fisheries were approved by Fish & Wildlife Commission on April 27, 2021.