CTUIR Strategic Energy Plan Survey

Posted by CTUIR Energy Strategy Teamon 8/2/2021 12:00:00 PM

The CTUIR Needs YOU to provide input on its Strategic Energy Plan

Help shape the Energy Vision and future of energy management for the CTUIR by completing this anonymous 10-minute survey before Monday, August 23: https://bit.ly/CTUIREnergy




Background Information

The CTUIR is developing a Strategic Energy Plan. The plan will serve as a tool for the CTUIR to use in achieving energy goals in both the near- and long-term by integrating energy, environmental, economic development, and community interests in the same way that a business might create a vision and a business model around sustainability. As a starting point, this survey asks for your feedback on energy priorities.

Can't access the internet?

A hardcopy survey can be found below and printed out and returned to the CTUIR drop box for compilation. The online and physical surveys are exactly the same and the Energy Strategy Team would like for you to complete the online survey to more quickly summarize answers from all stakeholders. If you know of community members that don't have access to the internet please get them a copy of the survey and return it to the CTUIR Drop Box by Midnight on August 22. NOTE: Please place Physical survey copies in an envelope and address it to EESP.  Do not place survey in the ballot box because it will not be counted. A map of the drop box location can be found at the bottom of this page.