on 1/12/2022 12:00:00 PM




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Water Commission of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation will hold the following public hearing:

Stream Zone Alteration Permit Application (SZA), File SZ-21-05 – filed by Umatilla County, 3920 Westgate Street Pendleton, OR 97801. The application requests to replace the Thorn Hollow Bridge. The Thorn Hollow Bridge crosses the Umatilla River at River Mile 70. The bridge was damaged in 2020 during a flood event. Umatilla County considers the damaged bridge a safety and transportation hazard and has closed the bridge for use.

The scope of work proposed by the applicant is the demolition and removal of the damaged bridge and construction of a new bridge. An existing culvert south of the bridge will be replaced with a box culvert. Riparian vegetation will be removed in work areas. Debris containment netting will be installed beneath the south span of the bridge prior to demolition to prevent debris from entering the stream. A temporary cofferdam\revetment will be constructed from the north bank extending past the south pier and granular fill will be placed on the north bank and within the cofferdam area. Abandoned abutments and piers will be removed at least 3-foot below mudline. Construction of the new bridge will be entirely in the uplands with no in-water work required. Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be implemented as necessary to minimize impacts to waterbodies in the vicinity of the project area. Following construction completion any temporary site modifications will be removed and the area surrounding the project area will be returned to pre-construction conditions.

A public hearing will be held on Tuesday, January 18, 2022 pursuant to Section 4.04 of the Tribal Water Code, beginning at 8:30 AM at the Nixyaawii Governance Center 46411 Timine Way, Pendleton, OR 97801, Conference Room 101A (Walla Walla) and also remotely via Microsoft TEAMS or ZOOM, to consider the application.

The public is entitled and encouraged to attend the hearing and submit oral or written testimony pertinent to this application. Written testimony may be presented at the hearing or must be received by the CTUIR/DNR Water Resources Program, 46411 Timine Way, Pendleton, OR 97801 before the close of business January 13, 2022.

The Tribal Water Commission may render a decision on the application at the close of the hearing or defer a decision to a later date. Deliberations shall be open to the public. The Commission may approve, approve with conditions or deny the applicants request. The applicant and participants will be notified of the Commission’s decision in writing. The Water Commission’s decision is subject to the appeals provision set forth in Section 1.13 of the Water Code.

For further information or to be placed on the hearing agenda for oral testimony please contact Kelly Warren, Water Code Administrator-Water Resources Program at 541-429-7271 or email KellyWarren@ctuir.org.