Men's Foods are identified through our Creation Story, and are promises kept since time immemorial. Salmon, and Big Game are stewarded through Indigenous knowledge and with the CTUIR First Foods Mission, to protect, preserve, and enhance these species for the cultural, spiritual, and subsistence needs of the CTUIR community.
Lesson 4: Floodplain and Aquatic Ecosystem Science
4.1 Understanding Riparian Ecosystems
[text here introducing hydrologic science, river meander, channel complexity, woody debris, vegetation, hyphoreic exchange etc]
[Link to additional lesson information, informative video, resources]
4.2 Riparian Species of Note
[text here about native and First Foods species, invasive and noxious species, displaced species that impact First Foods population restoration, and facilitated migration and species re-introduction]
[Link to additional lesson information, informative video, resources]
4.3 Geography and Management
[text here about important watershed in CTUIR's traditional use lands like Columbia River, Umatilla and Walla Walla Rivers, as well as Grande Ronde and Snake Rivers, management "from bison to sea lion" and what that means, Tribal restoration projects and partners]
[Link to additional lesson information, informative video, resources]
4.4 Scars of Colonialism
[text here introducing the regional history of Tribal disposession of lands historically, current land usuage and ownership, impacts of river channelization, wetland draining, shore armoring and channel incision, extirpation of native species like lamprey and beaver, current landholding and local Land Back actions]
[Link to additional lesson information, informative video, resources]
4.5 CTUIR DNR's Umatilla River Vision
[text here introducing Gary's video]
Lesson Five: Migratory and Resident Fish
4.1 Salmon
[text here introducing salmon species, lifecycle, terminology, CTUIR restoration activities, expected climate impacts etc]
[Link to additional lesson information, informative video, resources]
[text here to introduce Jerimiah's video]
4.2 Pacific Lamprey
[text here to introduce Lamprey lifecycle, terminology, habitat requirements, CTUIR restoration activities, and expected climate impacts
[Link to additional lesson information, informative video, resources]
[text here to introduce Aaron's video]
4.3 Freshwater Mussels
[text here to introduce freshwater mussel species, lifecycle, habitat requirements, terminology, CTUIR restoration activities, and expected climate impacts]
[Link to additional lesson information, informative video, resources]
[text here to introduce Donna's video]
4.4 Other Resident Fish
[text here to give an overview of other resident fish of interest, including suckerfish, shiners, rainbow trout etc]
[Link to additional lesson information, informative video, resources]
4.5 Indigenous Knowledge from the Frontlines: Tribal Fishermen Scientists
[text to introduce Bud's video here]
Lesson Six: Wildlife Ecology
4.1 Big Game Ecology and Health
[text here introducing big game species relevant to CTUIR, including white tail and mule deer, big horn sheep, moose, bison elk, and any other relevant species]
[text here about habitat requirements, pathogen and health concerns, and other management concerns]
[Link to additional lesson information, informative video, resources]
[text here introducing Scott and Carl's video]
4.2 Vegetation and Forage for Big Game
[text here about big game forage ecology and management, species of note, role of fire in maintaining these healthy ecosystems for wildlife]
[Link to additional lesson information, informative video, resources]
[text introducing Lindsey's video]
4.3 Invasive Plant Species Management and Impact
[text here to provide an overview of terrestrial plant and animal invasive and displaced species that impact the health and restoration of First Foods and their habitats]
[Link to additional lesson information, informative video, resources]
[text here introducing Cheryl's video]
Lesson Seven: Harvest Regulation Policy & Governance
7.1 Tribal Fishing Rights & Regulations
[text here providing an overview of CTUIR fish harvest data collection, regulatory standards and decisions through FWC, regional rules of note, zones as relevant (Columbia River), regulatory partners and agencies, and other relevant fish harvest regulation information]
[Link to additional lesson information, informative video, resources]
7.2 Tribal Hunting Rights and Regulations
[text here providing an overview of CTUIR regulation of hunting and engagement with other regulatory entities through FWC, population and harvest regulation information, collaboration and co-management relationships across the region, bison harvest agreement, and other relevant wildlife harvest regulation information]
[Link to additional lesson information, informative video, resources]
7.3 Indigenous Knowledge from the Frontlines: Tribal Hunters' Testimony
[text here to introduce FWC's video]
Thank you to Meyer Memorial Trust for its generous funding of the CTUIR Climate Adaptation work!
Last Updated: 12/2/2022