Water is the first and last of the First Foods, and integral to life. Here we explore elements of watershed science, importance of water quality, water law and policy, and how the Tribe governs water on the reservation.
Lesson One: Water Cycle and Atmospheric Science
1.1 Basics of the Water Cycle
[text here to introduce concepts] [images to help explain]
[Link to additional lesson information, informative video]
1.2 Seasonal weather patterns of the Pacific Northwest
[text here introducing concepts like La Nina/El Nino, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, atmospheric rivers etc]
[Link to additional lesson information, informative video]
1.3 Local Weather Phenomena for CTUIR Homelands
[text here introducing concepts like "The Inversion", rain-on-snow events etc]
[Link to additional lesson information, informative video]
1.4 Modeling Future Atmospheric Conditions
[text here to introduce Scott's video]
Lesson Two: Watershed Science, Surface Waters, and Groundwaters
2.1 What is a "Watershed"?
[text here to introduce concept of ridgetop-to-ridgetop function of watershed basins, how the Columbia River and Umatilla River are examples, helpful images to explain]
[Link to additional lesson information, informative video]
2.2 Understanding Connectivity of Surface and Groundwaters
[text here to introduce the concept of interconnected surface and groundwaters, difference between consumptive and non-consumptive water use, how consumptive use of surface and groundwaters impact one another]
[Link to additional lesson information, informative video]
2.3 How a Changing Climate is likely to Impact Water Connectivity
[text here about shifting weather patterns reducing recharge from snow pack, increase flooding magnitude as well as variability, and base flow availability in summer]
[Link to additional lesson information, informative video]
2.4 Overview of Columbia River Hydrology and Climate Impacts
[text here to introduce Kate's video]
Lesson Three: Water Policy and Governance
3.1 Understanding Western Water Law
[text here to introduce the concept of "first in time" water law, how this contrasts with eastern "rights in place" water law, explain "junior" and "senior" water rights holders, how water availability affects these irrigation users, and how water conservation factors into this picture]
[Link to additional lesson information, informative video]
3.2 Understanding Water Quality Standards
[text here to introduce different water contaminants (sediment, turbidity, nitrates etc), overview of what the "Total Maximum Daily Load" means, how it is measured, and how this affects regulatory action; overview of nitrate contamination of groundwater, sources, and interaction with surface and irrigation water, introduction to Lower Umatilla Basin GroundWater Management Area (LUBGWMA) and what that means for regulatory actions]
[Link to additional lesson information, informative video]
3.3 Tribal Water Commission (TWC) and UIR Water Regulations
[text here to introduce CTUIR's TWC, oversight TWC has on UIR water use, interactions with other water regulatory entities, and link to the Water Code]
[Link to additional lesson information, informative video]
[text here to introduce John's video]
3.4 CTUIR Umatilla Basin Water Rights Settlement
[text here to introduce the concept of Tribal water rights as it relates to western water law, outline process of settlement and timeline, and considerations/impacts expected from a finalized settlement]
[Link to additional lesson information, informative video]
Last Updated: 4/6/2023