1. Have you gathered huckleberries this year, 2024? Yes No 2. How many days did you spend gathering huckleberries this year? One 2-7 days 8-14 days 15-22 days 23+ days 3. Did you gather huckleberries with friends and family this year? Yes, with friends and family No, without friends and family No, I have not gathered this year 4. When were the huckleberries ready to pick this year, 2024? 5. When were the huckleberries ready to pick in 2023? 6. When did huckleberry gathering end in 2023 (berry quality declined)? 7. When did huckleberry gathering end in 2022 (berry quality declined)? 8. Did you pick huckleberries at the base, hillside, or summit of the mountain? Select all that apply: Base of the mountain Hillside of the mountain Summit of the mountain Other 9. How many locations do you harvest from? 1 2 3 4 5+ 10. Have you observed huckleberry ripening occurring earlier, later, or at the same time over the years? If yes, please explain. Earlier Later Same time 10a. Huckleberry ripening occurring earlier or later explanation 11. Compared to 2023, do you think there were more, fewer, or the same amount of huckleberries this year? More huckleberries Fewer huckleberries Same amount of huckleberries 12. If there were more or fewer huckleberries than usual, what do you think is the reason? 13. Have you had to change the way you harvest because there are fewer berries? Yes No 14. Are you traveling farther to pick huckleberries? Yes No 15. Has the size of the huckleberries decreased, increased, or remained the same size since you began harvesting? Huckleberries are smaller Huckleberries are larger Huckleberries size remains the same 15a. If berry size has changed, why do you think this happened? 16. Did you notice anything different while harvesting huckleberries this year? For example, sticky leaves, sticky berries, discoloration, or spots on leaves, etc.? 17. Did you get enough berries for yourself or your family last year? 1 (Very few) 2 (Few) 3 (Somewhat) 4 (Enough) 5 (More than enough) 18. Are there areas where you historically gathered that are no longer producing berries? Please select all that apply: Umatilla Indian Reservation Mt. Adams Mt. Hood Wallowa/Whitman National Forest (Looking Glass, Eagle Caps, Wallowa, Summit Rd., Catherine Cr., Touchet, Tucannon) Umatilla NF Walla Walla Ranger District (Tollgate, Jubilee Lake, Umatilla Forks, Meacham) Umatilla NF Pomeroy Ranger District (Minam, Imnaha) Malheur National Forest (North Fork John Day, Ukiah) Other 18a. If selected 'Other' for No longer gathering area please explain 19. Which regions do you typically gather in? Select all that apply Umatilla Indian Reservation Mt. Adams Mt. Hood Wallowa/Whitman National Forest (Looking Glass, Eagle Caps, Wallowa, Summit Rd., Catherine Cr., Touchet, Tucannon) Umatilla NF Walla Walla Ranger District (Tollgate, Jubilee Lake, Umatilla Forks, Meacham) Umatilla NF Pomeroy Ranger District (Minam, Imnaha) Malheur National Forest (North Fork John Day, Ukiah) Other 19a. If selected 'Other' for Typical region gather in please explain 20. Did you make any changes to the way you processed huckleberries this year, due to weather or huckleberry quality? Yes No 21. How old were you the first time you gathered huckleberries? 0-12 13-18 19-29 30-40 41+ 22. Compared to previous years, did the huckleberries taste better, worse, or the same this year? Better Worse Same 23. Does your employer provide time for traditional leave to gather and preserve berries each year? Yes No 24. Do you feel like you have enough time to gather and preserve berries each year? Yes No 25. Are you satisfied with the level of access to huckleberry gathering locations? Yes No 26. What challenges or restrictions limit your access to huckleberries? 27. Overall, would you say that this was a good year for huckleberries? Please explain. 28. Is there anything else you would like to share about your huckleberry experience. 29. What is your age? 30. Do you identify as: Female Male Prefer not to respond Other 31. What is your current zip code? 32. Please indicate your or your family’s annual household income before taxes. Less than $20K $20K - $40K $40K - $60K $60K - $80K $80K - $120K $120K or more Prefer not to respond / Do not know 33. What tribe(s) or nation(s) are you from?