Bison Hunt Information

2024-2025 Bison Hunt Season


  Bison Hunt Application, Harvest Regulations and Protocols:

CTUIR F&W Enforcement is required to be on site at time of hunt so please provide a potential hunt date or contact of any immediate changes. 

CTUIR F&W Enforcement will meet with you upon arrival for Bison Hunt/Montana.

Keep in mind application is a process and the background check may take some time.

Bison Orientation is required every 3-years

Reminder there is to be at least 2 on the application.


Back To Tradition, Tribe Brings Home The Bison : NPR 

  CTUIR Enforcement and Staff Contacts:

  • (541) 215–0758 Officer, Dick Bobbitt
  • (541) 310–2955 Officer, Tommy Thompson
  • (541) 969-0066 Officer, Jared Rogers
  • (541) 429–7282 Andrew Wildbill, Wildlife Program Manager 

  CTUIR FWC Contacts:

  • (541) 429 – 7249 Clifford Stanger, FWC Staff Secretary
  • (541) 429 – 7371 Corinne Sams, FWC Chair