Emergency Management

Oregon's Office of Emergency Management encourages people to be prepared to be on their own for a minimum of two weeks. This lessens the strain on emergency responders who need to focus limited resources on injured and other vulnerable populations immediately following a disaster.   What does two weeks look like? There is no one correct way to put together two weeks’ worth of supplies since everyone has individual dietary and medical needs. If your family includes children, seniors or pets, you will have additional needs. Everyone’s kit will look different but for a basic starting point, see the list of items on page 7 of the American Red Cross Cascade Region Prepare! guide.  Our 2 Weeks Ready Facebook page suggests activities or items to include in your preparedness kit. You probably have many 2 Weeks Ready items around the house.   You’re more prepared than you think. Being prepared to be self-sufficient for two weeks is an achievable goal. Many of the standard preparedness kit items such as flashlights, gloves, hand-crank radios, trash bags and a first-aid kit are already in your 72-hour kit. These handy, colorful and easy-to-read brochures will help you to think about how to be 2 Weeks Ready in a variety of ways.   2 Weeks Ready - Business 2 Weeks Ready - Communications 2 Weeks Ready - Community 2 Weeks Ready - First Aid 2 Weeks Ready - Food 2 Weeks Ready - Neighbors 2 Weeks Ready - Pets and Livestock 2 Weeks Ready - Seniors 2 Weeks Ready - Shelter 2 Weeks Ready - Water 2 Weeks Ready - Youth   Think about it. Talk about it. Have a meaningful conversation with the members of your household to discuss the following:  

  • Do you have backup transportation methods and routes?
  • Who will care for the kids, grandparents and pets if you are unable to get to them for several hours?
  • Who in your neighborhood has medical skills, a generator, a chainsaw, or other important tools or resources?
  • Do you have an out of state contact? Designate one person to be the main contact for your group of friends or family. 

Disasters – large and small – can strike any time. Begin your 2 Weeks Ready planning today

For access to the recently updated Emergency Management Plan click this link:

Emergency Management Plan 2023