Mission Statement:
Establish and enforce child support obligations for the benefit of children and families.
About Us
In 2008, the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) established the Office of Child Support Enforcement to administer tribal, state and federal child support laws on the Umatilla Indian Reservation. The Office of Child Support Enforcement was established to further the well-being of children on the Umatilla Indian Reservation.
Our office works with other tribe and state child support enforcement agencies to obtain and/or enforce child support orders in different jurisdictions. We may request to a tribe or state to establish, modify, enforce and collect child support outside of our jurisdiction.
The CTUIR Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) is under the Department of Public Safety managed by Bob Fossek, Public Safety Director. The OCSE is managed by Chamaneka Mkinya, the program attorney. The OCSE is staff are comprised of, Case Workers, Financial Specialist, Outreach Coordinator, and an Administrative Assistant.
Child Support
The Office of Child Support Enforcement offers seven services on behalf of children:
- Location of noncustodial parent
- Paternity establishment
- Child support order establishment
- Review and modification of child support orders
- Collection of child support payments
- Distribution of child support payments
- Medical support establishment and enforcement
How to Apply for Child Support Services
Applying for Child Support Services
To receive direct services from our office the parent or child must be an enrolled member of the CTUIR.
Who Qualifies for Child Support with our Office:
- Custodial parent of a minor child who is an enrolled member of CTUIR
- A former custodial parent who is owed child support accrued under a support order administer by CTUIR tribal courts
- Parent of a child who wants to pay, modify or end child support
- A child entitled to post-secondary educational support
- Guardian or caretaker of a child who is an enrolled member of CTUIR
- Parent or custodian of a child who wants to establish paternity of the child. To establish paternity through our office one or both parents must be enrolled members of CTUIR.
Our office also enforces interjurisdictional orders referred from other state and tribal child support programs.
Paternity Establishment
Paternity establishment to place a biological father on a child’s birth certificate can be done without seeking additional child support services. You can also apply to set up a child support order in addition to establishing paternity.
To apply for services, you will need to complete an application. You can call our office to request an application be mailed to you, request an application via email or click here to download a copy. All applicants must submit a completed application to initiate child support services. Once you submit your application, a child support case manager will contact you for additional information and next steps.
You can submit your application to our office via mail or email, OCSE@ctuir.org.