The CTUIR Capital Improvements Plan

The CTUIR Capital Improvements Plan was adopted in 2020 in a new format that includes a process and three addendums that will be updated on a regular cycle. 

The most recent addendums were adopted under Resolution 22-009, including:

  • Addendum A:  Project List 
  • Addendum B:  Financing 
  • Addendum C:  Water Availability

2023 is an update year for the Addendum A project list.  We are reaching out to a wide range of stakeholders and the public for input on existing projects and recommendations for new projects. 

New Project Applications

The following new Capital Project Applications were received: 

Infrastructure Projects

  • Solar microgrid for 27 existing housing units
  • Rooftop Solar for Nixyáawii Education Center
  • Rooftop Solar for Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center

Community Services/Facilities

  • Child Care Classroom space
  • New Fire Station
  • Low Income Housing Rental Units for CTUIR Community
  • Veteran’s Village – Shelters and Services
  • Elder and Assisted Living Housing Plan
  • TCI HVAC Unit Replacement
  • EESP Field Station Health and Safety Upgrades
  • EESP Storage

Hazard Mitigation Projects/Natural Resource Projects

  • Mitigation for flood control in Mission Housing Area (Similar to an existing project already on the list)

Economic Development

  • Food Truck Park

Existing projects & proposed applications are displayed on the webmap below.  Please give us your comments and feedback!  If you have any questions or comments about any of the projects you can also reach out to us in the Tribal Planning Office at, or by calling 541-276-3099.


Also be sure to read our article highlighting the process!