LPPC Public Hearing: ZC-24-001


July 9 at 9:00 AM - July 9 at 11:00 AM

Land Protection Planning Commission (LPPC) Public Hearing: ZC-24-001

Posted in: Tribal Planning Office - Public Notice Meeting

This is a regularly-scheduled meeting of the Land Protection Planning Commission. One public hearing is scheduled for this meeting:

  • Zone Change File #ZC-24-001 Applicant, Jim Richards, Cross L Welding, 62307 Leffel Road, La Grande, OR 97950 seeks a recommendation of approval from the Land Protection Planning Commission to the Board of Trustees for a change to the Master Zoning map from Farm Pasture (Ag-2) to Industrial (ID) for a 6.69 acre parcel located at 45478 NE Hwy 11, Tax Lot 2N330000-01901. The property is the location of the former NWB Sales business. The site contains several large buildings that are currently vacant. The applicant would like to use the site for a welding/steel fabrication business. Zone Change amendments are subject to the CTUIR Land Development Code Chapters 9 and 13.   

The meeting will take place in the Waluula and Wanaqit conference rooms at the Nixyáawii Governance Center.  Additionally, you can also join us by Microsoft Teams: here (meeting ID: 234 544 170 688; passcode: uVZH6y) or you can call into the meeting at 1-872-242-7793.  The phone conference ID is 489 280 313#.

Event Location

Location: Waluula and Wanaqit Conference Rooms, Nixyáawii Governance Center

Address: 46411 Timíne Way, Pendleton, OR 97801

Details: Additionally, you can also join us by Microsoft Teams by copy and pasting this URL into your browser window: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZjYwZGVlYTktMzZjNS00MTI0LWJiZTYtMjYwYTEwMDMxNDcz%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%220967e113-f1c2-45b2-bbfe-559061d1171e%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22a5381606-ab42-4e2b-8351-5ac1cdf47a27%22%7d The Meeting ID is 234 544 170 688 | The Passcode is: uVZH6y You can call into the meeting at 1-872-242-7793.  The conference ID is 489 280 313#.

Event Host

Hosted by: Land Protection Planning Commission (LPPC) Meeting

Phone: 541-276-3099

Email: tpo@ctuir.org
