LPPC Public Hearing: CU-23-001, V-23-001 & TSP 20-Year Update


March 14 at 9:00 AM - March 14 at 11:00 AM

Land Protection Planning Commission (LPPC) Public Hearing: CU-23-001, V-23-001 & TSP 20-Year Update

Posted in: Tribal Planning Office - Public Notice Meeting

This is a regularly-scheduled meeting of the Land Protection Planning Commission. Two public hearings are scheduled for this meeting:

  • Conditional Use File #CU-23-001Applicant, CTUIR Department of Natural Resources – Range, Agricultural and Forestry Program seeks approval from the Land Protection Planning Commission to complete a timber harvest on multiple lots owned by the CTUIR in fee and trust.  The subject properties are identified as Tax Lots 110, 133, 140, 4660, 4670, 4690, 4800, 4900, 5000, 6300, 6400, 6500, 6600, 6800, 6900, and 7000 within Umatilla County Tax Map 2N35 in sections 20, 21, 22, 30, 31, and 32 along with trust lots 513, 514, 547, 548, 550, 694, 764, 765, 766, 767, 768, 808, 890, 892, 893, 896, 898, 912, 916, 956, 1021, 1178, 1191, 1278, 1043-A, 1057-A, 766-A, T1017, T1018, T1125, T2110, T2111, T2121, T546, T844-C, T844-D, and T897 all within the external boundaries of the Umatilla Indian Reservation.  The proposed harvest would be a timber harvest within the taxlots to reduce fire danger and improve forest health.    The subject property is zoned G-1, Big Game Grazing, where a timber harvest to remove more than 5,000 board foot gross is listed as a Conditional Use.  Conditional Use approvals are subject to the CTUIR Land Development Code Chapters 6 and 13. 

  • Variance File #V-23-001 – Applicant, Verizon Wireless through agent Kimberly Spongberg of Blackrock LLC, PO Box 1744 Tualatin, OR 97062, seeks approval from the Land Protection Planning Commission for a variance to the height standard in the C-D, Commercial zone to construct a new wireless communications facility consisting of a 150’ monopole with antennas (up to a height of 154’) within lot 12 of Coyote Business Park North, a portion of Tribal Trust property T2103-A.  The proposed location is at 72544 Coyote Road, and is located within Township 2N Range 33E, Section 21 on the Umatilla Indian Reservation. The allowed height limit within the C-D zone is 120’.  Variance approvals are subject to the CTUIR Land Development Code Chapters 8 and 13. 

  • Transportation System Plan 20-Year Update – Applicant, Tribal Planning Office, seeks a recommendation from the Land Protection & Planning Commission that the Board of Trustees adopt the updated Transportation System Plan (TSP) to replace the 2001 TSP. This plan updates the 2001 project list based on research of past plans; traffic analysis; and community input and feedback. It also develops criteria for evaluating future proposed projects based on seven (7) proposed goals: Safety; Environment and Cultural Heritage; Health; Equity and Accessibility; Connectivity; Coordination; and Financial Stability.  More information about the plan can be found here.

The meeting will take place in the Waluula and Wanaqit conference rooms at the Nixyáawii Governance Center.  Additionally, you can also join us by Microsoft Teams: here (meeting ID: 260 684 406 676; passcode: Au69XY) or you can call into the meeting at 1-321-754-9526.  The phone conference ID is 586 048 574#.

Event Location

Location: Waluula and Wanaqit Conference Rooms, Nixyáawii Governance Center

Address: 46411 Timíne Way, Pendleton, OR 97801

Details: Additionally, you can also join us by Microsoft Teams by copy and pasting this URL into your browser window: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NTQzNzNkNTgtYjM4Ni00ZmY0LTlmN2MtZTM1MGFkOTU3OTU1%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22451e2096-9646-48dd-9db1-70f613a20af4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2264a49071-97ab-4f81-8f9e-892379ac8b88%22%7d The Meeting ID is 260 684 406 676 | The Passcode is: Au69XY You can call into the meeting at 1-321-754-9526.  The conference ID is 586 048 574#.

Event Host

Hosted by: Land Protection Planning Commission (LPPC) Meeting

Phone: 541-276-3099

Email: tpo@ctuir.org
