Climate Adaptation Plan Chapter Three: Adaptation Goals

This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of climate impacts to CTUIR and adaptation initiatives

Chapter Three: Adaptation Goals and Strategies

This chapter is the meat of the plan, as it examines specific climate impacts, explores projections that could assist in adaptation, and some broad goals and specific strategies for mitigating the harm done by these impacts. There are seven subchapters based on the Climate Adaptation Wheel framework:

A: Water (Surface and Groundwater)

B: First Foods Availability and Access

C: Infrastructure and Built Systems

D: Human Health and Happiness

E: Energy Production and Use

F: Economics and Community

G: Tribal Sovereignty and Treaty Rights

Each of these subchapters explores in great detail the impacts a changing climate will have on key mechanisms and reciprocal relationships for CTUIR's First Foods and the Indigenous food system that supports it. 

Each of these subchapters is available as its own download on these other CTUIR Climate Adaptation webpages; this document is the full combined chapter with all seven sections included. 

Updated 6/1/2021