To schedule an inspection, please call our office at 541-276-3099 at least 24-hours in advance!
The Tribal Planning Office consists of several programmatic areas providing services to the residents, government, and commercial entities on the Umatilla Indian Reservation, which include:
Kayak Public Transit
Kayak Public Transit provides a fixed route service to area cities and counties. K'ay'ak is a Nez Perce word meaning "to be free of hindrances or obstacles." That is the core of what we strive to provide to the public in Eastern Oregon and Southern Washington by providing public transit service for work, school, play and everyday living. The Kayak fixed routes serve Mission, Pendleton, Walla Walla, La Grade, Pilot Rock, and Hermiston.
Planning & Building
The Tribal Planning Office will generally be your first stop if you want to building a house or a garage, or if you want to split your lot. Current Planning & Building staff help ensure sure all projects on the Umatilla Indian Reservation have necessary permits, and they review all proposed projects for adherence to the CTUIR Land Development Code and all the adopted Building Codes. Once permits are issued, Planning & Building staff also provides inspection services for ongoing work on buildings that are being constructed, renovated, or demolished.
The Tribal Planning Office also assists with the Long-Range Planning efforts of the CTUIR by coordinating and periodically updating the plans that help create the future of Umatilla Indian Reservation.
The Land Protection Planning Commission (LPPC)
The CTUIR Land Protection Planning Commission (LPPC) is the regulatory body that makes decisions on land use actions such as Conditional Uses, Variances or Planned Unit Developments and Legislative Amendments. The LPPC is a commission of CTUIR enrolled tribal members appointed by the Board of Trustees and serve a role similar to a Planning Commission in other jurisdictions. The LPPC meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month to discuss general business and hold public hearings. Check out the Events page for information on upcoming meetings.
Environmental Health & Safety
Environmental Health & Safety inspects and enforces health and safety regulations for facilities on the Umatilla Indian Reservation. Licensing and inspection services include food service establishments (restaurants, temporary food booths, mobile food units, school food programs), public and semi-public pools and spas, summer camps, motels, hotels, and RV Parks. This program also provides food handler training and certification opportunities.
In addition licensing and testing, Environmental Health & Safety provides assistance in regulating many of the public drinking water supplies on the Umatilla Indian Reservation. They also investigate water, food, and vector-borne diseases, and high levels of lead in the blood of young children.
Finally, Environmental Health also follows up on complaints by the public for facilities that we inspect.